On Wednesday, August 21, IIIT hosted an event in partnership with the National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA), where a group of social studies teachers from Fairfax County Public......
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Dr. Anas al-Shaikh-Ali was invited to give a presentation to a group of 11 undergraduate theology students visiting the UK for Summer study sponsored by Kocaeli University, Turkey. The......
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The Closing Ceremony of the Sixth IIIT Turkey Summer School officially took place at Demirkoy Farm on 20 July 2019 attended by members of the host family. The Ceremony......
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Putting Theory into Practice from One Classroom to Another On Thursday, August 1, 2019, three members of the AEMS research team, Dr. Ilham Nasser (Senior Researcher and Director of......
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By: Dr. Ilham Nasser, Senior Researcher/ Director-Pedagogy August 2019 Have you ever debated the difference between a picture and a video recording? Have you considered which way to go......
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الحضارة الثقافة المدنية دراسة في تاريخ المصطلح والمفهوم، تٲليف د.نصر محمد عارف،ترجمة د.فاروق عمر احمد من منشورات مركز الزهاوي للدراسات الفكرية العراق ـ السليمانية...
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القرآن والنظر العقلي تٲليف: فاطمة محمد ٳسماعيل ترجمة: عبدالكريم فتاح من منشورات مركز الزهاوي للدراسات الفكرية العراق ـ السليمانية ...
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الٳسلام ٲثره في الحضارة وفضله علی الٳنسانية، تٲلیف ابو الحسن الندوي ، ترجمة طاهر يحيی الجباري من منشورات مركز الزهاوي للدراسات الفكرية العراق ـ السليمانية...
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On Friday July 26th, a Moroccan group of scholars visited IIIT. The ten junior university professors in Islamic Studies are visiting the US from Morocco as part of the......
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On Saturday July 20, 2019, the research team working on “Universal Qur’anic Values” project at the International Institute of Islamic Thought held an academic meeting in Rabat, Morocco that......
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