Part 1 by: Dr. Ilham Nasser, Senior Researcher November 2019 Values are commonly defined as the guidelines that lead someone’s life decisions and ways of living and thinking (Blanchard, 2018).......
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Policy considerations when promoting value-based approaches to education by Amina Derbi, Executive Analyst October 2019 Very few will argue against universal values and their importance to our education systems. Value-based......
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By: Saulat Pervez, Associate Researcher September 2019 The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an independent committee established to review and approve research involving human subjects. The primary purpose of......
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By: Dr. Ilham Nasser, Senior Researcher/ Director-Pedagogy August 2019 Have you ever debated the difference between a picture and a video recording? Have you considered which way to go......
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By: Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Senior Researcher July 2019 The Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) project aims to create culturally-responsive research methods, design and publication processes. This is a......
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By: Dr. Maryam Saroughi, Researcher June 2019 In the proposed design of our empirical AEMS research, we suggest that a more comprehensive educational movement that takes all types of......
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By: Dr. Ilham Nasser, Senior Researcher/ Director-Pedagogy May 2019 One of the main studies carried on by IIIT’s AEMS, the annual “Mapping the Terrain” of education, focuses on surveying......
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