- Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis by Craig A. Carter
- Learning as Development: Rethinking International Education in a Changing World by Daniel A. Wagner
- Governance and Leadership in Higher Education by Munir Shuib, Sarjit Kaur, Rozinah Jamaludin
- Higher Education in Malaysia: A Critical Review of the Past and Present for the Future by Chang DaWan, Morshidi Sirat, Dzulkifli Abdul Razak
- Al-Ghazali and His Theory of The Soul: A Comparative Study by Noor Shakirah Mat Akhir
- 50 Years of Higher Education Development in Malaysia (1957-2007) by Zailan Moris
- Internationalisation of Higher Education: Insights from Malaysian Higher Education Institutions by Yang Farina, Koo Yew Lie, Yazrina Yahya
- Developments in Higher Education: National Strategies and Global Perspectives by Munir Shuib, Aida Suraya Md. Yunus, Shukran Abd. Rahman
- Being Muslim: A Cultural History of Women of Color in American Islam by Sylvia Chan-Malik
- Teaching for Purpose: Preparing Students for Lives of Meaning by Heather Malin
- Political Islam in Tunisia: The History of Ennahda by Anne Wolf
- The Great Exegesis: al-Tafsir al-Kabir: The Fatiha by Fakhr al-Din Razi (Author), Sohaib Saeed (Translator)
- Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification by Christopher Peterson, Martin Seligman
- Islamic Education in the United States and the Evolution of Muslim Nonprofit Institutions by Sabith Khan, Shariq Siddiqui
- Muslim Educators in American Communities by Charles L. Glenn
- Early Childhood Education for Muslim Children by Hasina Ebrahim
- Spiral Dynamics in Action: Humanity’s Master Code by Don Edward Beck, Teddy Hebo Larsen, Sergey Solonin, Rica Viljoen, Thomas Q. Johns
- Knowledge Production in the Arab World: The Impossible Promise by Sari Hanafi, Rigas Arvanitis
- The Political Writings: “Political Regime” and “Summary of Plato’s Laws” by Alfarabi (Author), Charles E. Butterworth (Translator)
- 21st Century Quranic Studies in English: A Bibliography by VIVA BOOKS – ORIGINALS
- The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada by Nurjehan Aziz (Editor)
- Fundamentalism: Perspectives on a Contested History by Simon A. Wood (Editor), David Harrington Watt (Editor)
- Secularism, Theology and Islam: The Danish Social Imaginary and the Cartoon Crisis of 2005–2006 by Jennifer Elisa Veninga
- The Thistle and the Drone: How America’s War on Terror Became a Global War on Tribal Islam by Akbar Ahmed
- Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice (Themes in Islamic History) by Marion Holmes Katz
- Postpositivism and Educational Research by D. C. Phillips, Nicholas C. Burbules
- Education and Warfare in Europe by David Coulby, Crispin Jones
October - December 2018

July - September 2018

- American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear by Khaled A. Beydoun
- Religion as Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace by Irfan Ahmad
- Rebellion and Violence in Islamic Law by Khaled Abou El Fadl
- Pedagogy of the Heart by Paulo Freire
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
- Education for Critical Consciousness by Paulo Freire
- Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change by Don Edward and Christopher Cowan
- Religious Education and the Challenge of Pluralism by Adam B. Seligman
- Constructing Education for Development: International Organizations and Education for All by Colette Chabbott
- Education and Opportunity by Michael Q. McShane
- Divine Words, Female Voices: Muslima Explorations in Comparative Feminist Theology by Jerusha Tanner Lamptey
- Modern Muslim Theology: Engaging God and the World with Faith and Imagination by Martin Nguyen
- Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: Tolerance without Liberalism by Jeremy Menchik
- Islamic Education: Redefinition of Aims and Methodology by Manzoor Ahmad
- Future of Muslim Civilization by Ziauddin Sardar
- Challenge and Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Case Studies in Educational Innovation by Ronald G. Sultana
- Questioning the Veil: Open Letters to Muslim Women by Marnia Lazreg
May - June 2018

- A History of Social Justice and Political Power in the Middle East: The Circle of Justice From Mesopotamia to Globalization by Linda T. Darling
- Islamic Civilization in Thirty Lives: The First 1,000 Years by Chase F. Robinson
- The World in a Book: Al-Nuwayri and the Islamic Encyclopedic Tradition by Elias Muhanna
- When Christians First Met Muslims: A Sourcebook of the Earliest Syriac Writings on Islam by Michael Philip Penn
- Islamic Intellectual History in the Seventeenth Century: Scholarly Currents in the Ottoman Empire and the Maghreb by Khaled El-Rouayheb
- The Republic of Arabic Letters: Islam and the European Enlightenment by Alexander Bevilacqua
- Islam without Europe: Traditions of Reform in Eighteenth-Century Islamic Thought by Ahmad S.
- Institutionalizing Health and Education for All: Global Goals, Innovations, and Scaling Up by Colette Chabbott
- Constructing Education for Development: International Organizations and Education for All by Colette Chabbott
- The Crisis in Islam: Is Islam in a Crisis or Is the Crisis in Islam? by Dr. Abdul-Haq Al-Ani
- Prophetic Niche in the Virtuous City by Hikmet Yaman
- An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions by Joshua Parens
- Educational Philosophy and Practice of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas: An Exposition of the Original Concept of Islamization by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud
April 2018

- Islam and Modernism in Egypt: A Study of the Modern Reform Movement Inaugurated by Muhammad Abduh by Charles C. Adams
- The Bible and the Qur’an: Biblical Figures in the Islamic Tradition by John Kaltner and Younus Mirza
- Value-Added Measures in Education: What Every Educator Needs to Know by Douglas N. Harris
- Education and Opportunity (Values and Capitalism) by Michael Q. McShane
- “Values Matter”: How do you teach values in this world? by Jim Mccollum
March 2018

- Transitioning to Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: How to Bring Content and Process Together by H. Lynn Erickson and Lois A. Lanning
- Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom by H. Lynn Erickson, Lois A. Lanning, and Rachel French
- The Beautiful Tree: A Personal Journey Into How the World’s Poorest People are Educating Themselves by James Tooley
- History of Education in India by R.N. Sharma
- The Pakistan Project: A Feminist Perspective on Nation & Identity by Rubina Saigol
- The Makings of Indonesian Islam: Orientalism and the Narration of a Sufi Past by Michael Laffan
- Generation M: Young Muslims Changing the World by Shelina Janmohamed
- Grief & Depression From an Islamic Perspective by Abdullah Al-Khater
- How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
- Feminism in Islam: Secular and Religious Convergences by Margot Badran
- Living Sharia: Law and Practice in Malaysia by Timothy P. Daniels series editors: Laurie J. Sear, Charles F. Keyes, Vicente Rafael
February 2018

- Political Secularism, Religion, and the State: A Time Series Analysis of Worldwide Data by Jonathan Fox
- Trajectories of Education in the Arab World: Legacies and Challenges edited by Osama Abi-Mershed
- بين الله والإنسان في القرآن ، المفهومات الأخلاقية الدينية في القرآن ، مفهوم الإيمان في علم الكلام الإسلامي by نوشيهيكو إيزوتسو
- Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur’an by Toshihiko Izutsu
- The Inevitable Caliphate? by Reza Pankhurst
- Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts by Toshihiko Izutsu
- The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany by Cynthia Miller-Idriss
- Blood and Culture: Youth, Right-Wing Extremism, and National Belonging in Contemporary Germany by Cynthia Miller-Idriss
- Seeing the World: How US Universities Make Knowledge in a Global Era by Mitchell L. Steven, Cynthia Miller-Idriss,Seteney Shami
- Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India by Gauri Viswanathan
- Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates edited by Muhammad Masud, Armando Salvatore, Martin van Bruinessen
January 2018

- Female Islamic Education Movements: The Re-Democratisation of Islamic Knowledge by Masooda Bano
- Constitution of Medina: Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam by Michael Lecker
- Al-Ghazali on Disciplining the Soul and on Breaking the Two Desires: Books XXII and XXIII of the Revival of the Religious Sciences by Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali
- Jihad, Radicalism, and the New Atheism Mohammad Hassan Khalil
- The New Political Islam: Human Rights, Democracy, and Justice by Emmanuel Karagiannis
- A comparative study of elite English-medium schools, public schools, and Islamic madaris in contemporary Pakistan by Akhtar Hassan Malik
- Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick J. Deneen
- Islam and disability by Mohammed Ghaly
December 2017

- The Heirs of the Prophet Muhammad: And the Roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism by Barnaby Rogerson
- Politics of Education in Colonial India by Krishna Kumar
- Mapping the Terrain of Education Reform: Global trends and local responses in the Philippines by Vicente Chua Reyes Jr.
- A Question of Faith for Muslim Inmates by Aminah McCloud and Frederick Thaufeer al-Deen
- Denizens of Alien Worlds: A Study of Education, Inequality and Polarization in Pakistan by Tariq Rahman
- Perceptions of Islam in European Writings by Ahmad Gunny
November 2017

- Madrasas in South Asia: Teaching Terror? by Jamal Malik
- Misunderstanding Terrorism by Marc Sageman
- Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times by Robert W. McChesney
- Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman
- Deciphering Pakistan’s Education Riddle by Wajid Hassan
- Holistic Islam: Sufism, Transformation, and the Needs of Our Time by Kabir Helminski
October 2017

- Islam and Politics by Peter Mandaville
- Makers of Contemporary Islam John L. Esposito &John Voll
- Peace on Earth: The Role of Religion in Peace and Conflict Studies edited by Thomas Matyók & others
- Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising by Gilbert Achcar
- Islam in Transition : Muslim Perspectives in Pakistan
- The Oxford Handbook of Islam and Politics edited by John L. Esposito & Emad El-Din Shahin
- Faithful Education: Madrassahs in South Asia by Ali Riaz
- Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia: Continuity and Conflict by R. Lukens-Bull
- The Muslim Creed: A Contemporary Theological Study Amjad M Hussain
- Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam Shahab Ahmed
September 2017

- The Beginning of Guidance: The Imam and proof of Islam by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
- Middle East Studies for the New Millennium: Infrastructures of Knowledge edited by Seteney Shami & Cynthia Miller-Idriss
- The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History by Ibn Khaldûn
- Letters to a Young Education Reformer by Frederick M. Hess
- Colonialization of Islam; Dissolution of Traditional Institutions in Pakistan by Jamal Malik
- Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan’s Madrassahs by Saleem H. Ali
- The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling by Nilufer Gole
- Islam: The Essential Introduction by Tariq Ramadan
- The American University in a Postsecular Age edited by Douglas Jacobsen & Rhonda Jacobsen
- Education, Culture and Epistemological Diversity: Mapping a Disputed Terrain edited by Claudia W. Ruitenberg & D.C. Phillips
- Have a Little Faith: Religion, Democracy, and the American Public School by Benjamin Justice
August 2017

- The History of Islamic Political Thought: From the Prophet to the Present by Antony Black
- The Murder of History: A Critique of History Textbooks Used in Pakistan by K. Aziz
- The Islamic Enlightenment: The Struggle Between Faith and Reason by Christopher de Bellaigue
- The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change by Muhammad Qasim Zaman
- The Story of Reason in Islam by Sari Nusseibeh
- Muslim Becoming: Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan by Naveeda Khan
- Philosophy in the Islamic World: A history of philosophy without any gaps by Peter Adamson
- Ethnography As A Pastoral Practice: An Introduction by Mary Clark Moschella
- Meta-Religion: A Framework for Islamic Moral Theology by Ismail al-Faruqi
- The Search for Beauty in Islam: A Conference of the Books by Khaled Abou El Fadl
- The Army and Democracy: Military Politics in Pakistan by Aqil Shah
July 2017

- Animals in the Qur’an by Sarra Tilli
- Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World by Khaled El-Rouayheb
- History, Theory and Practice of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives edited by Saeed Naji and Rosnani Hashim
- The End of American Childhood: A History of Parenting from Life on the Frontier to the Managed Child by Paula S. Fass
- The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture edited by Nerina Rustomji
- The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences edited Jason A. Josephson-Storm
- Forging Islamic Power and Place: The Legacy of Shaykh Daud bin ‘Abd Allah al-Fatani in Mecca and Southeast Asia by Francis R. Bradley
June 2017

- Why we failed: 40 Years of Education Reform: A solutions-based account of the last 40 years of K-12 education in the U.S. byLonnie Palmer
- The Reform of Education by Giovanni Gentile
- Curriculum Planning: Integrating Multiculturalism, Constructivism, and Education Reform by Kenneth T. Henson
- Teaching in Context: The Social Side of Education Reform edited by Esther Quintero
- Global Education Reform: How Privatization and Public Investment Influence Education Outcomes edited by Frank Adamson
- Education Reform and Internationalisation: The Case of School Reform in Kazakhstan edited by David Bridges
- The Big Lies of School Reform: Finding Better Solutions for the Future of Public Education edited by Paul C. Gorski and Kristien Zenkov
- Education Reform in Societies in Transition: International Perspectives edited by J. Earnest and D. Treagust
- Presidents, Congress, and the Public Schools: The Politics of Education Reform by Jack Jennings
- Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence by Megan E. Tompkins-Stange
May 2017

- Ibn Khaldun by Syed Farid Alatas
- The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know by James Gelvin
- The al-Baqara Crescendo: Understanding the Qur’an’s Style, Narrative Structure, and Running Themes by Nevin Reda
- The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History by Cemil Aydin
- How Civility Works by Keith J. Bybee
- Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History by Mona Hassan
April 2017

- Applying Ibn Khaldūn: The Recovery of a Lost Tradition in Sociology by Syed Farid Alatas
- A Modern History of the Islamic World by Reinhard Schulze
- A Contemporary Renaissance: Gulen’s Philosophy for a Global Revival of Civilization by Sulayman Ashrati
- Islam against the West: Shakib Arslan and the Campaign for Islamic Nationalism by William L. Cleveland
- Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi: Islamic Reform and Arab Revival by Itzchak Weismann
- Egypt and the Contradictions of Liberalism: Illiberal Intelligentsia and the Future of Egyptian Democracy edited by Dalia Fahmy & Daanish Faruqi
- الاستبداد من الخلافة للرئاسة : أيام للحضارة وسنوات للسقوط تأليف محسن عبد العزيز
- The Opening (Al-Fatiha): A Commentary on the First Chapter of the Quran by M. Fethullah Gulen
March 2017

- Women and Peace in the Islamic World: Gender, Agency and Influence by Yasmin Saikia & Chad Haines
- Islamic Approaches to Patient Care: Muslim Beliefs and Healthcare Practices for Caregivers by Ra’ufa Sherry Tuell
- Punishment in Islamic Law: An Enquiry into the Hudud Bill of Kelantan by Mohammad Hashim Kamali
- Liberalism in Islam by Arifa Farid
- Islamic Land Tax – Al-Kharaj: From the Islamic Conquests to the Abbasid Period by Ghaida Khazna Katbi
- Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World by Edward W. Said
- في تجديد العلوم الاجتماعية بناء منظور معرفي وحضاري الفكرة والخبرة edited by Nadia Mustafa
February 2017

- Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069 by Neil Howe
- Ibn Khaldun by Syed Farid Alatas
- The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny by William Strauss
- A History of Islam in Indonesia: Unity in Diversity by Carool Kersten
- Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine by Catherine Besteman
- Caregiving to Muslims: A guide for chaplains, counselors, healthcare and social workers by Imam Muhammad Hatim
- New Faiths, Old Fears: Muslims and Other Asian Immigrants in American Religious Life by Bruce B. Lawrence
- American Muslim Women, Religious Authority, and Activism: More Than a Prayer by Juliane Hammer
- Is Islam an Enemy of the West? by Tamara Sonn
- The Principles of the Creed: Book 2 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences by Khalid Williams
January 2017

- Islam in Historical Perspective by Alexander Knysh
- The Principles of the Creed: Book 2 of the Revival of the Religious Sciences by Khalid Williams
- Reading the Qur’an: The Contemporary Relevance of the Sacred Text of Islam by Ziauddin Sardar
- Introducing Philosophy of Science: A Graphic Guide by Ziauddin Sardar
- Mecca: The Sacred City by Ziauddin Sardar
- Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A Practical Guide for Dynamic Times by M. Allison & J. Kaye
- The Marvels of the Heart: Science of the Spirit by Al-Ghazali & Hamza Yusuf
- Razi: Master of Quranic Interpretation and Theological Reasoning by Tariq Jaffer
- Usul al Tafsir: The Sciences and Methodology of the Qur’an by Recep Dogan
- The Making of a Salafi Muslim Woman: Paths to Conversion by Anabel Inge
December 2016

- Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Racism Through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth by Naved Bakali
- Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States by Zachary Lockman
- The Expeditions: An Early Biography of Muhammad by Mamar Ibn Rashid
- Islam and Human Rights: Advancing a U.S. -Muslim Dialogue by Shireen T. Hunter and Huma Malik
- For Love of the Prophet: An Ethnography of Sudan’s Islamic State by Noah Salomon
- Copyright in Islamic Law by Mohamed Ali Ahdash
- Islamic Statehood and Maqasid al-Shariah in Malaysia: A Zero-Sum Game? by Beng Phar Kim
- Making Moderate Islam: Sufism, Service, and the “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy by Rosemary Corbett
November 2016

- Modern Intellectual Readings of the Kharijites by Hussam Timani
- The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Heart by Nancy Newton Verrier
- Adoption: Choosing it, Living it, Loving it by Ray Guarendi
- Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism by J. Halverson, S. Corman, H. L. Goodall
- How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human by Eduardo Kohn
- The Caliphate by Hugh Kennedy
- Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Racism Through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth by Naved Bakali
- Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States by Zachary Lochman
- The Expeditions: An Early Biography of Muhammad by Mamar Ibn Rashid, Sean W. Anthony, M.A.S. Abdel Haleem
- America’s Dream Palace: : Middle East Expertise and the Rise of the National Security State by Osamah Khalil
October 2016

- Education and the Arab Spring: Resistance, Reform and Democracy edited by Eid Mohamad, Slimane Aboulkacem, Hannah Gerber
- Terrified: How Anti-Muslim Fringe Organizations Became Mainstream by Christopher Bail
- Islam Through Western Eyes: From the Crusades to the War on Terror by Jonathan Lyons
- Islamic Education in Africa by Robert Launay
- The Qur’an and the Aesthetics of Premodern Arabic Prose by Sarah bin Tayeer
- Islamic Ethics: A Very Short Introduction by Tariq Ramadan
September 2016

- A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion edited by Janice Boddy, Michael Lambek
- A Religion, Not a State: Ali’ Abd al-Raziq’s Islamic justification of Political Secularism by Souad Ali
- United States of Jihad: Investigating America’s Homegrown Terrorists by Peter Bergen
- Beyond Timbuktu: An Intellectual History of Muslim West Africa by Ousmane OUmar Kane
- Pitfalls of Scholarship: Lessons from Islamic Studies by Ahmad Atif Ahmad
- Custom in Islamic Law and Legal Theory by Ayman Shabana
- Inside the Muslim Brotherhood: Religion, Identity, and Politics by Khalil Al-Anani
- Fighting Words: Religion, Violence, and the Interpretation of Sacred Texts by John Renard
- Muslim Citizenship in Liberal Democracies: Civic and Political Participation in the West by Mario Peuker
August 2016

- The Almohads: The Rise of an Islamic Empire by Allen Fromherz
- The Great Seljuk Empire by A. C. S. Peacock
- Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom: Including What the Seeker Need and the One Alone by ibn Arabi
- Islamic Thought in China: Sino-Muslim Intellectual Evolution from the 17th to the 21st Century by Jonathan Lipman
- Islam, Modernity, Violence, and Everyday Life by A. Ahmad
- The American Family: Dying or Developing by Howard Hoffman

If the Oceans Were Ink: An Unlikely Friendship and a Journey to the Heart of the Quran
Author: Carla Power

Women in the Qur’an: An Emancipatory Reading
Author: Asma Lamrabet

Brand Islam: The Marketing and Commodification of Piety
Author: Faegheh Shirazi

The Politics of Islamic Law: Local Elites, Colonial Authority, and the Making of the Muslim State
Author: Iza R. Hussin

Constructing Borders/Crossing Boundaries: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
Contributors: Caroline Brettell, Alexander Byrd et al.

The Fatigue of the Shari’a
Author: A. Ahmad

Secularizing Islamists?: Jama’at-e-Islami and Jama’at-ud-Da’wa in Urban Pakistan
Author: Humeira Iqtidar

Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East
Author: Shadi Hamid

Blind Spot: America’s Response to Radicalism in the Middle East
Author: Bernard Haykel, Farah Pandith, et al.

Islam and the Problem of Black Suffering
Author: Sherman A. Jackson

Thinking Through Islamophobia
Editors: Salman Sayyid and Abdoolkarim Vakil

ISIS: A History
Author:Fawaz Gerges

Architect of Global Jihad
Author: Brynjar Lia

The New Arab Wars: Uprisings and Anarchy in the Middle East
Author: Mark Lynch

The Concert of Civilizations: The Common Roots of Western and Islamic Constitutionalism
Author: Jeremu Kleidosty

Islam and Popular Culture
Editor: Karin van Nieuwkerk

Islam Between Globalization and Counterterrorism
Author: Ali Alamin Mazrui, Shalahudin Kafrawi, Ruzima Sebuharara

The Orange Trees of Marakkesh: Ibn Khaldun and the Science of Man
Author: Stephen Frederic Dale

What is Islam?
Author: Sheryl A Kujawa-Holbrook

Islam and the Tyranny of Authenticity: An Inquiry into Disciplinary Apologetics
Author: Aaron Hughes

Astronomy and Astrology in the Islamic World
Author: Stephen Blake

Islam and the Foundations of Political Power
Author: Ali Abdel Razek

Islam and Literalism: Literal Meaning and Interpretation in Islamic Legal Theory
Author: Robert Gleave

Religious Minority Students in Higher Education
Editors: Yoruba T. Mutakabbir and Tariqa A. Nuriddin

God Beyond Borders: Interreligious Learning Among Faith Communities
Author: Sheryl A Kujawa-Holbrook

Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection
Author: Sherman A. Jackson

Constructing Borders/Crossing Boundaries: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
Contributor: Caroline Brettell, Jamillah Kareem, et al

Ibn Taymiyya’s Theological Ethics
Author: Sophia Vasalou

Authors: Christopher
Achen & Larry Bartels

Mulilm Institutions of Higher Education in Postcolonial Africa
Editors: Mbaye Lo and Muhammad Haron

The Crisis in Islam: Is Islam in a Crisis or Is the Crisis in Islam?
Author: Dr. Abdul-Haq Al-Ani

Sufis, Salafis and Islamists: The Contested Ground of British Islamic Activism
Author: Sadek Hamid

Engineers of Jihad: The Curious Connection between Violent Extremism and Education
Author: Diego Gambetta and Steffen Hertog

Muslims in America: A Short History
Author: Edward E. Curtis IV

Author: Eboo Patel

Education in the Light of Tradition: Studies in Comparative Religion
Authors: Jane Casewit

Understanding Other Religious Worlds: A Guide for Interreligious Education
Author: Judith Berling

Interreligious Studies: A Relational Approach to Religious Activism and the Study of Religion
Author: Oddbjørn Leirvik a

New Directions in Islamic Education: Pedagogy and Identity Formation
Author: Abdullah Sahin

Political Identities and Popular Uprisings in the Middle East
Editors: Shabnam J. Holliday and Philip Leech

Author: Kristin Johnston Largen

Women of the Nation: Between Black Protest and Sunni Islam
Authors: Dawn-Marie Gibson

American Muslim Women: Negotiating Race, Class, and Gender within the Ummah
Author: Jamillah Karim

Reimagining Liberal Education: Affiliation and Inquiry in Democratic Schooling
Author: Hanan Alexander

The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis
Author: Robert R. Reilly

Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
Authors: Bart D. Ehrman

Author: Bart D. Ehrman

A Social History of Education in the Muslim World: From the Prophetic Era to Ottoman Times
Authors: Amjad Hussain, Abdassamad Clarke, Abia Siddiqui

Ghazali: The Revival of Islam
Author: Eric Ormsby

Rebranding Islam: Piety, Prosperity, and a Self-Help Guru
Author: James Hoesterey

Producing Indonesia: The State of the Field of Indonesian Studies
Author: Eric Tagliacozzo

The Family of Abraham: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Interpretations
Author: Carol Bakhos

Author: John Horgan

Muslims in America: A Short History
Author: Edward Curtis IV

Discovering the Qur’an: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text
Author: Neil Robinson

Beyond Religious Freedom: The New Global Politics of Religion
Author: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

The Sunna and its Status in Islamic Law: The Search for a Sound Hadith
Editor: Adis Duderija

The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’an
Editor: Andrew Rippin

Author: Jeanette Jouili

Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur’an
Editor: Suha Taji-Farouki

Approaches to the Qur’an
Editor: G. R. Hawting

The Moral World of the Qur’an
Author: M.A. Draz

The Qur’an and the West
Author: Kenneth Cragg

The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’an
Editor: Andrew Rippin

Author: M.A. Draz

Maqasid al-Shari’a and Contemporary Reformist Muslim Thought: An Examination
Author: A. Duderija

Religious Difference in a Secular Age: A Minority Report
Author: Saba Mahmood

Defining Islamic Statehood: Measuring and Indexing Contemporary Muslim States
Author: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary
Author: Seyyed H. Nasr, Caner Dagli, Maria Dakake,Joseph Lumbard,Mohammed Rustom

The Making of Salafism: Islamic Reform in the Twentieth Century
Author: Henri Lauzière

Author: Indira Falk Gesink

Islam and Democracy after the Arab Spring
Author: John Esposito, Tamara Sonn, & John Voll

Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity
Editors: Yvonne Haddad & Barbara Stowasser

The American Revolution as Affected by the Muslim World – Economically and Politically – A Historical Assessment
Author: Syed Mahmood

Mawlana Mawdudi and Political Islam: Authority and the Islamic state
Author: Roy Jackson

Ibn Taymiyya and his Times
Author: Yossef Rapoport

Author: Naser Ghobadzadeh

How to Be Secular: A Call to Arms for Religious Freedom
Author: Jacues Berlinerblau

Muslims in the Western Imagination
Author: Sophia Rose Arjana

Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims
Author: Stephen Sheehi

Women and the Transmission of Religious Knowledge in Islam
Author: Asma Sayeed

God in the Tumult of the Global Square: Religion in Global Civil Society
Author: Mark Juergensmeyer, Dinah Griego & John Soboslai

Author: Reza Aslan

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
Author: Israel Shahak

The Making Of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire
Author: Sam Gindin

Reforming Sodom: Protestants and the Rise of Gay Rights
Author: Heather Rachell White

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
Author: John Taylor Gatto

Taba’i3 al-Istibdad lil-Kawakbi: Forward by Hasan Yahya
Author: Abdul Rahman al-Kawakibi

Author: Zaid Shakir

The Canonization of Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History
Author: Ahmed El Shamsy

Recalling the Caliphate: Decolonisation and World Order
Author: S. Sayyid

Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment
Author: Ovamir Anjum

The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam: The Qur’anic Principle of Wasatiyyah
Author: Mohammad Hashim Kamali

Failing Our Brightest Kids: The Global Challenge of Educating High-Ability Students
Author:Chester E. finn JR. and Brandon L. Wright

Author: Nathan Lean

Men in Charge?: Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition
Editors: Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Mulki Al-Sharmani, Jana Rumminger

Sexual Ethics And Islam: Feminist Reflections on Qur’an, Hadith, and Jurisprudence
Kecia Ali

Families of Virtue: Confucian and Western Views on Childhood Development
Author: Erin M. Cline

The Walking Qur’an: Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge, and History in West Africa
Author: Rudolph T. Ware

God is Beautiful: The Aesthetic Experience of the Quran
Author: Navid Kermani

Author: Michael Birkel

Khul’ Divorce in Egypt

Sufism – A Global History
Nile Green

Islamic Law and International Human Rights Law

Freedom of Speech and Islam

Contemporary Topics of Islamic Thought
Author: Muhammad Legenhausen

Author: Kecia Ali

Gulf Charities and Islamic Philanthropy
in the “Age of Terror” and Beyond
Robert Lacey and Jonathan Benthal

Breaking Faith A Novel of Espionage and an American’s Crisis of Conscience in Pakistan
Graham Fuller

Translating the Qur’an in an Age of Nationalism Print Culture and Modern Islam in Turkey
M. Brett Wilson

A Quietist Jihadi The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad
Joas Wagemakers

The One True Platonic Heaven a Scientific Fiction of the Limits
of Knowledge
Author: John Casti

Author: Fawaz Gerges

Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the
Middle East
Valentine Moghadam

Life and Thought
Moshe Halbertal

Reforms in
Islamic Education: International Perspectives
Editor: Charlene Tan

The Awakening of Muslim Democracy: Religion, Modernity, and the State
Jocelyn Cesari

The Holy City of Medinah: Sacred
Space in Early
Islamic Arabia
Author: Harry Munt

Confronts Islam
Author: Olivier Roy

Turkey and the Arabic Spring: Leadership in the Middle East
Graham E. Fuller

Islam in Liberalism
Joseph Massad

The Vernacular Qur’an Translation and the Rise of Persian Exegesis
Author: Travis Zadeh

Doubt in Islamic Law:
A History of Legal Maxims, Interpretation
and Islamic
Criminal Law
Intisar A. Rabb

Islamic law and
the Crisis of the Reconquista:
The Debate on the
Status of Muslim Communities in Christendom
Author: Alan Versk

Author: John Renard

Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles
Maciej J. Bartkowski

Religious Pluralism and Islamic Law: Dhimmis and Others in the Empire of Law
Author: Anver Emon

On the Muslim Question
Author: Anne Norton

Nationalism and
the Israeli State: Bureaucratic Logic
in Public Events
Don Handelman

Muslim American Women on Campus: Undergraduate Social Life and Identity
Author: Shabana Mir

in Lebanon
Bernard Rougier

Before and After Muhammad: The First Millennium Refocused
Garth Fowden

A Secular Age
Charles Taylor

A History of
Islamic Societies
Author: Ira M. Lapidus

Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence
Karen Armstrong

Cultural Cleansing in Iraq: Why Museums Were Looted, Libraries Burned and Academics Murdered
Raymond W. Baker, Shereen T Ismael , Tareq Y. Ismael

The Islamic Case
in Comparative Perspective
Author: Michael Cook

The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming
the Politics of Fear
in an Anxious Age
Martha Nussbaum

The Arab Uprisings Explained: New Contentious Politics
in the Middle East
Editor: Marc Lynch

Sufism: Culture and Politics: Afghans
and Islam in Medieval North India
Raziuddin Aquil

A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Middle East
Author: Dilip Hiro

من زوايا الذاكرة: محاطات رحلة في قطار العروبة
كلوفيس مقصود

Graham E. Fuller

The Black Book II:
From Hajji Malik
Al-Shabbaz to Barack Obama: The True Problematic of the African-American Liberation
Author: Y.N. Kly

Scriptural Polemics: The Qur’an and
Other Religions
Author: Mun’im Sirry

Reasoning With God: Reclaiming Shari’ah in the Modern Age
Khaled Abou El Fadl

Never Wholly Other: A Muslima Theology of Religious Pluralism
Author: Jerusha Tanner Lamptey

Women in the Mosque: A History of Legal Thought and Social Practice
Marion Holmes Katz

A Fatimid Interpretation
Editor & Translator: Sami Makarem

Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy
Author: Jonathan
A.C. Brown

Koranic Allusions:
The Biblical, Qumranian, and Pre-Islamic Background
to the Koran
Editor: Ibn Warraq

Integrated Encyclopedia of
the Qur’an
General Editor: Muzaffar Iqbal

The Founder of Cairo: The Fatimid Imam-Caliph al-Mu’izz
and his Era
Shainool Jiwa

For God’s Sake:
An Atheist, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim Debate Religion
Authors: Jane Caro, Antony Loewenstein, Simon Smart and Rachel Woodlock

Author: Sally Howell

Islamic Divorce in North America: A Shari’a Path in a Secular Society
Julie Macfarlane

A History of Islam
in America
Author: Kambiz GhaneaBassiri

Finding Mecca in America: How Islam
is Becoming an American Religion
Mucahit Bilici

The Cambridge Companion of American Islam
Juliane Hammer
and Omid Safi

The Muslim Veil in North America: Issues and Debates
Sajida Sultana Alvi, Homa Hoddfar, & Sheila McDonough

Author: John Adair

Answering the Call: Popular Islamic Activism in
Sadat’s Egypt
Abdullah Al-Arian

World Religions Demystified
Ebrahim Moosa with Matt Cleary

Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an
Denise Spellberg

Global and Local Televangelism
Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee

Singapore’s Muslim Community
Ermin Sinanovic

Belong to God
Sherine Hamdy

Islam in a Foreign Country
Zareena Grewal

Ibn Khaldun’s Philosophy of History
Muhsin Mahdi

فقه المقاصد والمصالح بين العزيز بن عبد السلام وأبي اسحاق الشاطبي
عبد النور بزا

Essential Concepts
in Sociology
Anthony Giddens
and Philip Sutton

Analyzing Muslim Traditions: Studies in Legal, Exegetical and Maghazi Hadith
Harald Motzki with Nicolet Boekhoff-van der Voort and Sean W. Anthony

Amel Boubekeur
and Oivier Roy

Islam Without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty
Mustafa Akyol

How to Read
the Qur’an: A New Guide, with Select Translations
Carl W. Ernst

Ghazali and the Poetics of Imagination
Ebrahim Moosa

The Formation of Islamic Hermeneutics: How Sunni Legal Theorists Imagined a Revealed Law
David Vishanoff

The Islamic Challenge: Politics and Religion in Western Europe
Jytte Klausen

A Statement
of Findings and Recommendations
Mary Anne Layden and Mary Eberstadt

Radical Islam’s Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Sharia Law
Paul Marshall

Against Our Better Judgment:
The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel
Alison Weir

Excellence Without a Soul: Does Liberal Education Have
a Future?
Harry Lewis

Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam:
A Reader
Rudolph Peters

Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles
The Witherspoon Institute

Author: Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

The Meaning of Marriage: Family, State, Market, & Morals
Jean Bethke Elshtain and Robert P. George

Napoleon in Egypt:
Al-Jabarti’s Chronicle of the French Occupation, 1798
Shmuel Moreh and Robert L. Tignor

Muslim American Renaissance Project: Answering the Call of God and the Country and Inspiring Change
Souheil Ghannouchi

What I Believe
Author: Hans Kung

We Can Make
the World Economy
a Sustainable
Global Home
Lewis S. Mudge

A Jewish Woman’s Encounter With Egypt
Author: Ruth Sohn

The Voice of
Liberal Learning
Michael Oakeshott

The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights
of the Poor
William Easterly

Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era
Julia Phillips Cohen

Conscience and its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of
Liberal Secularism
Rober P. George

Love in the
Holy Qur’an
H.R.H. Ghazi bin Muhammad

John Esposito &
Dalia Mogahed

What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense
Sherif Girgis,
Ryan Anderson, &
Robert George

Understanding Islam
Author: Cafer Yara

Umar ibn Al-Khattab: His Life and Times
Ali Muhammad

Shi’i Islam and Identity: Religion, Politics, and Change in the Global Muslim Community
Lloyd Ridgeon

Man and Prophet
Author: Adil Salahi

Mary Eberstadt

The Cambridge Companion to Religious Studies
Robert Orsi

Cultural Sociology Within Innovative Treatise: Islamic Insights on Human Symbols
Mahmoud Dhaouadi

Europe and the Islamic World: A History
John Tolan,
Gilles Veinstein,
Henry Laurens

Finnish Lessons:
What can the World Learn from Education Change in Finland?
Pasi Sahelberg

Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat: History, Development, and Progress
Said Fares Hassan

Abdullahi A. An-Na’im