Training Guide for Islamic Workers Now more than ever before, Muslim young men and women need to improve not only their personal skills but also their group performance. This Guide presents easy-to-follow instructions which can be used by those who desire to acquire these skills. This Guide focuses on the training needs of Muslim young men and women by providing the experience acquired by Muslim leaders over the last several decades. Thus, the new generation of leaders will be able to start from where their leaders left off, rather than having to duplicate their predecessors’ successes and/or failures. Using a simple Do’s and Don’t’s format, this Guide enables the user to optimize his/her understanding of the art and science of da’wah and how it can be applied in today’s world. Like genius, leadership entails harder work for the one who was born without this skill. It is to such people that this Guide is addressed. We are confident that, with the help of Allah, the user will be able to make a quantum leap forward in the areas of growth and improvement through the proper use of the methods outlined in this Guide. Over time, there will be noticeable improvements in the areas of concepts, management, administration, and communication as well as the skills needed for conducting camps, conferences, and meetings. This Guide is supplemented by suggested workbooks which will lead to an even deeper understanding of the skills needed for successful leaders. Hisham Altalib was born in Mosul, Iraq in 1360/ 1940. After finishing his secondary education in Iraq, he obtained a B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Liverpool University (1382/1962) and continued his work in that field at Purdue University in Indiana, where he obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. (1394/ 1974). He has been an active participant in Islamic activities in North America, being the first full time director of the Training Department of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) of the United States and Canada from 1395/ 1975 to 1397/ 1977. During this time he conducted many training camps and seminars in America and abroad. He has also served in several other positions in Islamic organizations, such as being the second Secretary General of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO). At the present time, Dr. Altalib is serving as a director of the SAAR Foundation, a position he has held since its inception in 1403/ 1983. He was a founding member of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in 1401/ 1981. (2001).
Paperback: 978-0-91246-389-6 / Price: $24.95 eBook: 978-1-56564-792-3 / Open Access Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 416 Year of Publication: 2001