2018 REA Annual Meeting

On Friday, November 2, senior researchers Ilham Nasser, Ermin Sinanovic, and Cynthia Miller-Idriss participated in the 2018 REA Annual Meeting in Reston, VA. They held a panel on “A Holistic Approach to Advancing Education in Muslim Societies.”
Sinanovic started the discussion with a background on IIIT and the transition in to Advancing Education in Muslim Societies. The overall vision is “Thriving Muslim societies in which every individual achieves their fullest potential through transformative education.” Miller-Idriss spoke next to discuss the First, Second, and Third Spaces. The Third Space includes the first and second spaces but goes beyond them to emphasize that the purpose of education is not only utilitarian but also transformative. Education serves more than just learning knowledge and skills. It is a goal by itself, for the development in social/emotional, moral/religious, and cognitive aspects of life. Nasser spoke last to discuss the “Mapping the Terrain” study that was launched in July 2018. Questions were taken at the end.
For more information on AEMS and “Mapping the Terrain” please visit https://iiit.org/en/mapping-the-terrain-2/
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