The third MAHYA-IIIT Winter School 2019 is taking place between 27 January-1 February 2019. The main theme of the Winter school is Islamic Sciences: Past and Future Perspective and is exclusively focusing on Islamic studies with relation to contemporary social and intellectual issues of Muslim Societies. Designed for undergraduate students who are interested in the theme, applications are open to students from any department. The winter school speakers are the top scholars in their fields:
1st Day: Tafsir
Prof. Necmettin Gökkır: The Emergence of Qur’anic Sciences: History, Terminology, Methods
Prof. Dr. Yaşar Düzenli: The Language and Rhetorics of the Qur’an
2nd Day: Hadith
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hansu: The Legislative Valuation of Hadith and Sunnah
Dr. Mehmet Apaydın: An Integrative Approach in Determining Hadiths
3rd Day: Fiqh
Prof. Dr. Hasan Hacak: The Emergence of Fiqhi Thought
Prof. Dr. Murteza Bedir: Ijtihad and Maqasid
4th Day: Sociology and Philosophy
Prof. Dr. İsmail Kara: New Interpretations of Religion between Tradition and Modernity
Dr. Necdet Subaşı: Islamic Sociologies
5th Day: History of Schools of Thought
Dr. Kadir Gömbeyaz: The Rising of Qalamic Mathahib
Dr. Vahdettin Işık: Contemporary Islamic Thought: Ideas, Pioneers and Works
6th Day: Contemporary Issues
Prof. Dr. Ali Bardakoğlu: Questioning Ourselves as Muslims
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa: The Characteristics of Islamic Thought
Closing & Certification Ceremony