The goal of this program is to bring values into the global discourse on good governance. Good governance, we believe, should not rely on technology and data science alone, it should also be grounded in universal values. Whether these values are articulated in Islamic ethical terminology or in secular lexicon, ultimately the mission of this initiative is to promote value-based governance in the US and abroad. We hope that good governance will reduce inequity, promote equality, eradicate social injustices, enhance inclusivity, and minimize conflict at home and abroad.

The Mission
The Islam and Good Governance program is based on three normative assumptions:
- The world needs good governance and good governance needs a normative philosophy (universal values) to define the ‘good’ in good governance.
- Islamic values though articulated within the cultural and linguistic context of Muslim societies, are nevertheless universal such as equality, social and criminal justice, development and progress, education and enlightenment, cooperation, pluralism, mutual understanding, governance by consent, consultative governance, compassion and forgiveness, and respect for human dignity, to mention a few.
- We believe that advocating for the good in good governance is both service to humanity and service to our values.
Goals and Objectives
- Articulate a systematic vision of good governance and approach the development of this concept from both Islamic ethics and values and empirical research. We want to benchmark the point of convergence of our normative vision and empirical reality. We will pursue a research and policy program that will develop knowledge and policies for governing ethically in contemporary times.
- To develop an epistemic community that has expertise in the areas of values and good governance, Islamic ethics and values, and good and smart governance understood broadly. This network of scholars, practitioners and students will eventually constitute a core of good governors expanding to include governance in corporations and nonprofit sector too. If you wish to be part of this community please contact us @
Program Coordinator
Dr. Muqtedar Khan, a non-resident scholar at IIIT and a professor at the University of Delaware, will be coordinating this initiative.