The Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) initiative of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) is inviting writers to contribute to the exchange of ideas and generation of new knowledge on education in Muslim societies. This call is an expansion of our Human Development Matters blog addressing current research and promising projects in education and related fields. For previously published blog posts, please visit: https://iiit.org/blog/
The blog posts provide opportunities and a platform for scholars, practitioners, and authors interested in advancement of education in Muslim societies in its broadest sense to share their work. Contributions on policy, pedagogy, personal as well as social change, and human development are encouraged. This call is focused on education of Muslim children/youth/adults in their communities and societies.
The blog post should:
- Be between 800-1000 words.
- Use APA style of writing.
- Address a broad readership of experts and non-experts.
- Provide research-based or reflective content with proper citations.
- Include graphics and/or visuals.
- Use subheadings as appropriate.
- Avoid moralizing language which is not qualified by citations.
- Use previous or original research to convey lessons learned.
The International Institute of Islamic Thought has a large body of followers and mailing lists. The selected blog posts will be shared widely on social media and IIIT website as well as in our mass distributions.
If interested, submit your blog post to aemsresearch@iiit.org along with full name, country, and affiliation. We are accepting the blog posts on a rolling basis. The blog post should be saved as a Word document with the file title in the following format: First Name_Last Name_Topic.
For questions and inquiries, please reach out to the email listed above.
-Ilham Nasser, Director of Human Development Program, AEMS, IIIT
-Saulat Pervez, Researcher, IIIT