The Dance of the Pen, the Play of the Sign
MAHYA just published in a book format an edited Turkish translation of selected articles by Prof. Abdelwahab el-Messiri originally published in AJISS. This project was jointly conducted by MAHYA and IIIT Turkey. The book (Kalemin Dansı, Göstergenin Oyunu: Seküler Emperyalist Epistemoloji ) was named after one of the articles entitled “The Dance of the Pen, the Play of the Sign”, a critique of post-structuralist, postmodernist thought, mainly pioneered by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who drew substantially on Nietzschean philosophy. The witty cover design refers to this chain of secular materialist worldview based on metaphysics of immanence, which rebuffs the existence of the transcendental, giving shape to the current postmodern thought. The other articles offer food for thought as to the political and social implications of such philosophy. Additionally, the author’s introductory article “The Gate of Ijtihad: An Introduction to the Study of Epistemological Bias” which previously appeared in Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences edited by himself and published in 2006 by IIIT is also included in this collection complementing the discussion.
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