
Kyrgyzstan Summer Student Program (SSP)

Kyrgyzstan - July 6-14, 2020

Due to the global pandemic, dates for the following program will change.
Please check back regularly for updates.

The summer student program will be held in Marco Polo Hotel on the Issyk-Kul, located on the south bank of Issyk-Kul, in one of the most beautiful places of Kyrgyzstan, where natural and climatic conditions are combined, crystal clear air, magnificent panorama of the surrounding landscape and an amazing beach. Here you can enjoy the wonderful resort climate and a magnificent view of the snow-white peaks of Tien Shan Mountains.

Distance from Bishkek airport to Marco Polo hotel 5 h. 56 min. (404,3 км).                                                                                   

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle”

Call for applicants

The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Institute of Knowledge Integration and International Education and Research Center are pleased to announce upcoming Summer Student Program (SSP), which will be held on July 6 – July 14, 2020 in Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul. SSP is an intensive, residential program in Social and Historic studies and related subjects. This program is designed for graduate students and exceptional senior undergraduates – regardless of the field of study – who have a particular interest in developing their knowledge and research skills in the core areas of Social and Historic studies, such as:

  • Central Asia’s Golden Age(800–1100 A.D.).
  • Integration of Knowledge.
  • Contemporary Islamic Thought.
  • Social and Emotional Learning.
  • Knowledge and Science.
  • Outstanding historic scientists from Central Asia.

A distinguishing feature of the program is that it combines faith-based views with best academic practices and approaches. The program is characterized by pedagogical innovativeness and academic rigor, while welcoming religious expressions and pluralism.

Interested applicants should fill out the attached application form and send it with the following documents:

  • Current resume / C.V.;
  • Recent transcript;
  • 250-word statement on why the student wants to study at SSP and what s/he hopes to accomplish;
  • 250-word statement on current research that may be carried out as a research project during SSP.

Application deadline: May 1, 2020.

Official transcripts should be sent by email to

Eligibility: The prospective applicant must be currently enrolled as a graduate student or a graduating senior in Middle Asia. The program is open to students of all national, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.


First name:
Last name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Education Level:
If a student/professional: current institution of work/education:
Academic Reference: