Following a series of seminars and workshops to address issues and possibilities related to the state of education, with emphasis on higher education in Muslim societies around the world, IIIT and the Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University in cooperation with MAHYA organized an international conference of scholars and experts in March 2016 to discuss and document ideas and initiatives that may help raise the level of education in Muslim societies.
Seminar at Wilson Center and at IIIT
The links below relate to the proceedings of a seminar in collaboration with the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., and a paper synthesizing IIIT reports and papers on education reform.
Future of Higher Education
George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA organized a forum on the future of higher education as part of its contribution to finding “ways to be creative and innovative in improving the quality of education …” Here is the video-recording of panel sessions in the forum program, courtesy George Mason University.
Bibliography on Reforming Education
This is a bibliographical work on research and practice in education reform around the world. Please feel free to contribute additional entries to this work. We will add them with acknowledgement of your contribution.