The International Training and Education Program (ITEP) at American University and the Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) initiative of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) invite submissions of research presentations for the sixth Symposium on Education in Muslim Societies: Implications for Policy, Pedagogy, Training, and Development. The Symposium will be held in a hybrid format (with an option for virtual or in-person participation) at The American University in Washington, D.C., on November 11-13, 2022. The Symposium presenters will be expected to ready their papers into publishable articles for submission and blind peer reviews to the Journal of Education in Muslim Societies (JEMS), a semi-annual journal published collaboratively by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and Indiana University Press. JEMS encourages and seeks manuscripts in subject areas such as comparative education, P-12 education, youth development, curriculum reform, higher education, civil society, nonformal education and training, among others (see more details at https://iupress.org/journals/journal-of-edu-muslim-societies/).
The Symposium examines the far-reaching scope of education research, in all its forms, and its implications for global societies, especially education systems and practices in Muslim societies and the Muslim Diaspora. It is designed to foster and disseminate groundbreaking research on the role of education in individual and societal change in diverse societies. The terms “Muslim” and “education” are defined broadly to be inclusive. By “Muslim,” we mean any self-identifying Muslim individuals, institutions, communities, and societies and their roles in experiencing and shaping education as well as researchers interested in Muslim societies. “Education” includes the pedagogies, practices, and policies, as well as the conditions and status of human development and curriculum as they relate to Muslim societies and communities. We seek to draw proposals by researchers from across fields and disciplines (e.g., education, human development, history, political science, public affairs, religious studies, gender studies, and sociology) in formal and non-formal as well as governmental and non-governmental sectors.
A 500-word proposal is due no later than June 15, 2022. A review team of faculty will use the following criteria in their proposal review: 1) relevance of the topic to the Symposium; 2) theory/context clearly articulated; 3) methodology and methods of inquiry explained; 4) findings identified, and 5) contribution to the field, discipline, or JEMS readership. Accepted proposals will be notified by August 15, 2022. Individuals whose proposals are accepted for the November 2022 Symposium will be expected to ready their papers into publishable manuscripts for JEMS by March 31, 2023. Upon timely submission to JEMS and an initial successful review by the co-editors, the manuscripts that are sent to peer review will receive an honorarium of $500. More information on this will be provided closer to the event.
Please submit your 500-word proposal, along with other relevant information, at the following link no later than June 15, 2022: https://bit.ly/3OqF6HQ
For questions, please email: aemsresearch@iiit.org
-Prof. Elizabeth A. Worden, Associate Professor, School of Education, American University
-Dr. Ilham Nasser, Director of Human Development Program, AEMS at IIIT