Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication - IIIT

Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication

Author: Suhaib Jamal al Barzinji

Paperback: 978-1-56564-264-5

eBook: 979-8-89193-205-0

Available on:

Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication Research in Islamic media is still in its infancy, especially in English. This book, presented by IIIT to the students of Islamization of knowledge, is a recent contribution to this great civilizational project. This book deals with mass media communication in the Muslim world, and compares the international Islamic view to the contemporary media views. It also presents a set of practical principles upon which a model of Islamic communication through media can be based with recommendations and research project proposals for the future in the area of Islamic media. It is a real accumulation of knowledge in communication sciences from an Islamic Perspective. Suhaib Jamal al Barzinji was born in Baghdad, Iraq, on the 25th of Ramadan, 1387 A.H. (December 27, 1967 A.C.). In 1989 (1409), he received a B.S. in Finance and Banking from the University of Maryland at College Park. In 1994 (1414), he received an M.A. in Television and Film from the University of Maryland at College Park. He was a founding member and activist with the Muslim Youth of North America, and a founding member of the Muslim Youth Council Organization. He is the founder and director of Astrolabe Pictures, Inc., which was established in 1995 (1415) for the production and distribution of high quality Islamic media products. (1998).

Paperback: 978-1-56564-264-5 / Price: $9.00 eBook: 979-8-89193-205-0 / Open Access Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 109 Year of Publication: 1998

July 4, 2018