Qur’anic Concepts of Human Psyche The inner nature of man- human psyche- is a major theme of the Qur’an and the Qur’an uses its own terminology while speaking about it. One comes across terms like ruh, nafs, qalb, etc. What do these terms mean, and how their understanding can throw light on human psyche from the Qur’anic perspective is the topic of this book. This book consists of six articles based on papers read in a seminar on Qur’anic Concepts of Human Psyche, which was organized by the IIIT-Pakistan. The articles cover a wide spectrum of topics including various philosophical and psychological theories, and a host of views expressed by Muslim thinkers. The authors advocate that it is important that the Qur’anic concepts should be understood in terms of the Qur’anic itself, and not as equivalents of concepts of foreign intellectual provenance. This is important, and unless due care is taken, one would at the most grasp near-equivalents of those concepts in the contemporary works on psychology, and these might be quite different from the intrinsic meanings embodied in the relevant versus of the Qur’an. Ed. Zafar Afaq Ansari The editor of this volume, Dr. Ansari Ansari, obtained his Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Karachi and Ph.D. from Glasgow University. He has taught in the Universities of Karachi and Peshawar before joining the National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad, where he has been serving for the last ten years. He has published extensively in the field of psychological assessment and educational psychology. He has been President of Pakistan Psychological Association (1984-88) and is currently Area Chair of International Council of Psychologists for Pakistan. (1992).
Paperback: 978-969-462-003-9 / Price: $7.50 Paperback: 978-969-462-004-6 / Price: $14.95 eBook: 979-8-89193-200-5 / Price: $3.95 Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 126 Year of Publication: 1992