Muslims On Education This report is the result of a series of brain-storming sessions organized by the AMSS (UK) and FAIR. The issues raised were drafted into an initial report written by Tarek El Diwany and revised by Christopher Allen. Copies were subsequently circulated to a number of educationists for review. We also acknowledge the contribution of all those involved in the initiation, discussion and review stages of the project as well as all those who offered valuable comments and amendments to the initial draft, and those who, either directly or indirectly, contributed to the final production of this report. These include among others: Maryam Badawi, Dr. Nassim Butt, Mohammed Evans, Yahya Birt, Dr. Zaki Badawi, Omer Megerisi, Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Naima Jouied, Zafar Ashraf, Muhammad Abdul Aziz, Ghanim Jawad, Michelle Messaoudi, Abdulkadir Naib and Ayisha Ali. We thank them all for their contribution and assistance. We are also grateful to El Rahma Foundation for their support and financial assistance. Published by AMSS UK.
eBook: 978-1-94588-614-0 Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 40 Year of Publication: 2004 Published by AMSS UK