Justice in Islam: New Ethical Perspectives From its roots in the Qur’an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to its branches in contemporary political and social movements, Islam has always been concerned with the question of social justice. The promise of a just order on earth has motivated both the reflections of the community of scholars and the actions of Muslims who have striven to realize it within their societies. Despite the disappointments that history has often delivered, the hope for justice remains undimmed as does the struggle to achieve it today. This concise volume focuses on some of the ways that the theme of justice is explored in emerging currents of Islamic thought. Chapters discuss new theological and ethical proposals in the light of contemporary philosophical developments; ideas of gender justice that provoke a reformist challenge to the received tradition; and regional contexts, such as Turkey, Iran and Japan, in which the question of Islam’s relationship to justice is sharpened by the particularities of history and locale. The contributions to this collection raise the prospect that if justice can be imagined more perfectly as an Islamic ideal, perhaps it can be brought into reality. Ramon Harvey, Ed. (Aziz Foundation Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Cambridge Muslim College) works in the fields of Qur’anic studies, theology, and ethics, both as an intellectual historian and theologian. He is the author of The Qur’an and the Just Society (2018) and Transcendent God, Rational World: A Māturīdī Theology (2021), which are published by Edinburgh University Press. He is also the editor of the monograph series Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology. He earned his doctorate from SOAS, University of London. Daniel Tutt, Ed. (Lecturer in Philosophy, George Washington University) works on continental philosophy, contemporary social and political movements, Islamic thought and psychoanalysis. His forthcoming book is entitled Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family: The Crisis of Initiation and will be published in the Palgrave Lacan Series in 2022. His writing has been published in Philosophy Now, The Islamic Monthly and Crisis and Critique, among other publications. He teaches philosophy at George Washington University, Marymount University and has taught inmates through the Georgetown University Prisons and Justice Initiative.
Paperback: 978-1-64205-657-0 / Price: $16.95 Hardback: 978-1-64205-656-3 / Price: $26.95 eBook: 978-1-64205-658-7 / Open Access Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 153 Year of Publication: 2023