Islamization: Reforming Contemporary Knowledge (Occasional Paper) This book is an attempt to recapture the original vitality, which was ever concomitant with the high moral code of Islam – in order to address the amazingly complex, intertwined and fluxional aspects of modern life. Emphasized throughout the book is the need for reform and redefinition in areas like ijma’, ifta’ and qiyas. This is also extended to such concepts as reason, knowledge, and education in relation to divine revelation. Fashionable and borrowed concepts like democracy and sovereignty are examined in the context of a considered Islamization of one discipline- that of a political science. AbdulHamid AbuSulayman is President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) USA; President of the Child Development Foundation, USA; and former Rector of the International Islamic University, Malaysia. He is also the author of numerous works including: The Islamic Theory of International Relations: New Directions for Islamic Methodology and Thought (1987); Crisis in the Muslim Mind (1987); Marital Discord: Recapturing the Full Islamic Spirit of Human Dignity (2003); Revitalizing Higher Education in the Muslim World (2007) as well as several books and papers in Arabic. AbuSulayman has also delivered numerous papers and lectures and has been instrumental in organizing many international symposia, conferences and seminars. (2011).
Paperback: 978-156564-054-2 / Price: $3.95 eBook: 978-1-64205-927-4 / Open Access Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 60 Year of Publication: 1994