Citizenship, Security And Democracy MUSLIM ENGAGEMENT WITH THE WEST provides greater analysis of and seeks solutions to the challenges of citizenship, security and democracy through fresh and more varied perspectives as is related to Islamic discourse and Muslim communities and their activism in the West. These concerns have never been more pressing than today. Democracy has been a global endeavour and concern, as in its ideal form, it gives promise to liberty, freedoms and rights. However, after especially 9/11 and 7 /7, securitization has become a more immediate goal, making security the driving discourse today. But, both security and democracy are becoming ever less attainable in today's climate of increased division and cleavages along ideological lines and lslamophobia - an acute problem for citizenship in humanity.On September 1-3, 2006, the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS UK) and the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) held a three day conference to explore the challenges of democracy and security and, importantly, explore issues around citizenship and identity of Muslim diaspora. Given the backdrop to a growing political discourse on the Muslim 'Other', framed through the events of 9/11 and 7 /7 and increased tension as a result of this discourse framing, the aim was to help discern causes to the major challenges facing governments and the safety, freedoms and dignity of individuals globally. This was attempted through the study of Islamic thought and on-the-ground case study research of Muslim societies and communities. This conference marks one of the major events to have been organised where such a large number of scholars, experts, and activists from a wide range of ideological positions and professional backgrounds come together in an ambitious attemptto resolve the most pressing issues at the turn of the 21st century. Editor. These papers have been published to widen discourse, stimulate debate, and hopefully pave the way for further research. Doubtless readers may agree with some of the issues raised, and disagree with others, but it is hoped that overall both general and specialised readers will benefit from the perspectives offered and some of the more focused issues examined in the book. Published by AMSS UK. Wanda Krause is Program Head of the MA in Global Leadership and Assistant Professor in the School of Leadership Studies, at Royal Roads University, Canada. She has taught politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), UK and has a doctorate in Politics from the University of Exeter, UK. Her research dealt with civil society development, gender politics, and Islamism. Her background studies, which she conducted in Canada, Germany, Egypt, and the UAE, include international relations, linguistics, social-psychology, and Arabic studies. She is author of Civil Society and Women Activists in the Middle East: Islamic and Secular Organizations in Egypt (I.B. Tauris, 2012). Her research also focuses on the relationship between politics and spirituality.
Paperback: 978–1–56564–443–4 Hardback: 978–1–56564–444–1 eBook: 978-1-94588-611-9 Size: 6x9 inches Pages: 311 Year of Publication: 2009 Published by AMSS UK