“Anthropomorphic Depictions of God” Webinar a Huge Success
On September 1st, 2020, at 9:00 AM (EST), IIIT launched its second webinar on “Anthropomorphic Depictions of God in Judaic, Christian and Islamic Traditions: Representing the Unrepresentable” of a series of webinars on IIIT publications that will address core intellectual, topical and epistemological issues whose methodology and significance is relevant to time and space.
This webinar, which had over 180 attendees, featured an excellent presentation by speaker and author, Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah on his book, “Anthropomorphic Depictions of God”, as well as, informative and intelligent points discussed by the panelists, Reverend Dr. Larry Golemon, Rabbi Gerry Serotta, and Dr. Yasir Qadhi.
Dr. Shah addressed issues of anthropomorphism in the three Abrahamic Faiths, as viewed through the texts of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur’an and how each has chosen to framework it’s understanding of God. He explored how each faith views God’s personality and nature and how much of this has been the result of scripture. He also commented on the Islamic concept of Tawhid. Dr. Golemon reviewed the issues that Dr. Shah discussed and brought insightful points that weren’t discussed in the book as well. Rabbi Serotta highlighted the similarities, as well as, where the alienation of the anthropomorphism concept occurs in all three faiths. Dr. Qadhi wrapped up the webinar by touching upon the attributes of God and how this concept is widely discussed amongst Islamic theologians as well as across theologians in all three faiths.
Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah is the author of Anthropomorphic Depictions of God and currently the Executive Director and Secretary General of the Fiqh Council of North America and Religious Director of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Reverend Dr. Larry Golemon currently serves as the Executive Director of the Washington Theological Consortium, which is comprised of ten graduate theological schools–including Catholic, Protestant, and Historically Black divinity schools—with partners in Islamic, Jewish, Spirituality, and Public Museum education.
Rabbi Gerry Serotta recently retired from the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington and now holds the title of Executive Director Emeritus.
Dr. Yasir Qadhi is the Dean of the Islamic Seminary in Dallas, TX. He is one of the few people who have combined a traditional eastern Islamic seminary education with a western academic training of the study of Islam.
Below is a recording of the webinar.
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